Monday, August 4, 2014

pilihan Raya Negeri Selangor Pilihan Terbaik #mbselangor

Bekas Pensyarah Undang-undang Universiti Islam Antarabangsa (UIA), Dr Aziz Bari mencadangkan Tuanku Sultan Selangor membubarkan Dewan Undangan Negeri Selangor dan mengadakan satu Pilihan Raya Negeri Selangor yang baru bagi mencari mandat baru pentadbiran negeri Selangor.

Bercakap kepada portal, bekas calon PKR bagi Parlimen Sabak Bernam dalam pilihan raya umum 2013 berkata adalah sukar untuk Sultan Selangor melantik Menteri Besar baru tanpa dituduh pilih kasih atau berat sebelah terhadap pihak yang bertelingkah dalam PKR.

Menurut bekas Prof, yang dianggap pakar Perlembagaan oleh Pakatan Rakyat, itu,

“It is just difficult for the sultan to appoint a new menteri besar in this scenario. It is difficult to see who is having majority support in the House. Even PKR seems to be divided, given that the Azmin (Ali) faction has yet to give their support (to Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail). The better way is to let the people decide through an election in the state.” .
[Melihat senario sekarang, adalah sukar untuk Sultan menentukan siapa yang mendapat sokongan majoriti di Dewan Negeri seterusnya melantik Menteri Besar baru. Malah PKR sendiri kelihatan berpecah kerana kem Azmin belum menyatakan sokongan terbuka kepada Wan Azizah.

Justeru jalan terbaik ialah mengadakan Pilihan Raya Negeri yang baru.]

Aziz juga beranggapan adalah tugas Tuanku Sultan menamatkan kemelut ini, dan ini hanya boleh dilakukan dengan membubarkan DUN.

“Tuanku boleh mengarahkan Khalid menyembahkan permohonan membubarkan DUN. Jika Khalid masih berdegil, Tuanku sendiri boleh membubarkan DUN.

“It is true that in an ordinary situation, the sultan needs a request before he can dissolve the House. But if the sitting government refuses to do so and the situation gets worse, the sultan must act to save the state from deteriorating into further confusion and uncertainty,” he said.
“As of now the only way to have a government that commands the majority is through a general election.”
Aziz said that Khalid, the only person who could make a request for the dissolution of the state assembly, did not seem to be ready to do it, and this would lead to further problems in Selangor.
“Here comes the duty of the sultan to remove the clog. Admittedly, it is drastic and unprecedented. But this seems the only way.
“One needs to remember the Perak crisis of 2009, where the refusal to dissolve the House eventually dragged the palace into the mud as it denied t –

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